Study Abroad
location choice
international airport
Try to only pack what you think are necessities. Keep in mind that you will most likely purchase things there as well and need room to bring them back.
Will you be traveling while you study abroad? Will you need to pay for a phone plan? Public Transport?
What program fits your area of study the best?
things to do in the area
Are you going to want to leave every weekend?
do you speak the language?
housing options
Homestay, dorm provided, needing to find housing independently?
cell phone plan
make sure that your phone is fully paid off before you leave, otherwise the new sim card will not work on your phone
look at local options in the area
get recommendations from locals
is this study abroad toward your degree?
is the purpose to become more of a global citizen with the experience?
While I will always recommend studying abroad, you will get more out of the experince if you know the purpose you are going for.